SPCI provides initial training at all levels of certification within Massachusetts. For up to the date information on our upcoming course offerings for Basic, Intermediate and Paramedic, follow the Upcoming Classes link to the left.
Current Paramedic and Intermediate students can find resources such as field and clinical forms in the Current Courses section.
EMTs, Intermediates and Medics looking for continuing education and refresher courses can find details under the Continuing Education section. SPCI offers a variety of continuing education options, including two weekend conferences each year, as well as ITLS (formerly BTLS) course offerings periodically throughout the year.
For online education offerings, please see our online education section
MDPH/OEMS Accredited Institution
P.O. Box 259
Rehoboth, MA 02769
Toll Free: 800-499-6428
Phone: 508-252-3049
Fax: 508-252-3129